Care Management
MDC offers a comprehensive spectrum of care for clients suffering from addiction – from emergency shelter to detoxification, chemical dependency in-patient referrals/placements and out-patient counseling, and mental health treatment and family support counseling.
MDC offers some healthcare services for economically disadvantaged and homeless members of our community. Our substance abuse treatment and dual disorder counseling services are available on a sliding payment scale for everyone.
We own or manage nearly 300 units of low-income housing in Pierce County offering families the stability they need to make positive and enduring life changes. It takes a great deal more than a roof to recover from homelessness.
Care Coordination Services
There is no easy formula for helping people move out of poverty, but there are well-conceived strategies that confront the problems rather than focus simply on the symptoms. There are things we can do that will level the playing field for those who lack opportunities, giving them a chance to develop and achieve.
Supportive Housing
MDC provides clients with housing placement and services that best meet their needs. Apartments, duplexes, shared housing and single family dwellings comprise the nearly 300 units of housing available at MDC. Four nationally recognized housing models are offered.
Contact Care Coordination Services
Connecting housing and healthcare, using Housing First principals along with guidance for health services that meet individual needs.
Care Management: (253) 284-7880
Housing: (253) 597-6728
Foundational Community Supports
MDC’s Foundational Community Supports (FCS) program helps people identify housing resources, assist with housing navigation, connect people to employment and education resources, and maintain stable housing.
Recruiting Chief Executive Officer
Metropolitan Development Council (MDC) is a Community Action Agency located in Tacoma, Washington, whose mission is anti-poverty and anti-racism. Since 1964, it has provided services
MDC Withdrawal Management to resume services in the 2nd Quarter of 2022
Metropolitan Development Council’s withdrawal management program will resume taking new patients in the 2nd Quarter of 2022. MDC suspended new admissions to its inpatient, medication-assisted
MDC Board of Directors seeks new members
MDC Board of Directors seeks new members The MDC Board of Directors is recruiting for additional members. Learn more about what is involved in being