MDC Education programs help students prepare and succeed in graduation from college through the delivery of targeted services to empower personal, academic, and professional growth.
Current Issue:
Completing a financial aid application is necessary for any high school senior interested in receiving financial assistance for postsecondary education. Yet just over 50 percent of Washington’s public high school graduates do so, making Washington one of the states with the lowest completion rates in the nation. (WSAC)
Washington State Student Achievement Council identified that by 2023, 185,000 non-traditional students (25-34) are needed to achieve a post-secondary credential to meet our state’s workforce demands; almost 50 percent more than already expected to complete a college certification. (WSAC)
Help residents achieve a level of post-secondary education and/or training that will prepare them for jobs that pay enough to support a family.
Youth Education
Our goal is to prepare students for college, and to help them become healthy, well-rounded, and empowered individuals. MDC’s Upward Bound program, funded by TRiO, serves students at four Tacoma Public Schools – Foss High School, Lincoln High School, Mount Tahoma High School, and Stadium High School. It also serves students at Spanaway Lake High School.
Education Staff Directory
A list of teachers involved with MDC’s education programs Talent Search and Upward Bound
Childcare Food Program
The Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) offered by MDC ensures proper nutrition for all children enrolled in licensed in-home daycares.