Ending veteran homelessness in 2015

On Wednesday night, MDC hosted the first in a series of community conversations that will take place throughout this year around the goal to end veteran homelessness before the end of 2015.

Veteran services providers on a panel at the community conversation.
Members of the audience and a panel of providers talk through needs and strategies for ending veteran homelessness by the end of 2015.
Audience members ask questions of the service providers who will be instrumental in ending veteran homelessness.
Audience members ask questions of the service providers during Wednesday’s conversation.

A title slide to a presentation on ending veteran homelessness in 2015













Pierce County is home to an estimated 87,000 veterans, and our community has been told that 25,000 veterans and their families will be released from military service in our county between 2014 and 2016. The goal of this effort is to ensure that as veterans are released from service, that they have access to housing, employment, education and health services to make their transition successful. This week’s event served as a start to the full community effort that will be required for Tacoma and Pierce County to reach this important goal.

Look for more news about this year-long effort, you can read the draft plan, Ending Veteran Homelessness in Pierce County – A Draft Plan.